Thoughtful writing

29.11.2017 Alexander Kuch 0

In the first issue of our yearbook “Time to remember” we published memories by Yelena Kucherova (Clavsut’) who died in Germany seven years ago (елена-крикунова-начало-пути/). The author dedicated them to her friend Kira Tiverovsky who kept them for almost thirty [more]

The house with a turret

25.11.2017 Alexander Kuch 0

Nobody can instruct an author how to write impressive memoirs. But what Inna Konigsberg wrote about her father Dr. Emmanuel Konigsberg and his teacher Dr. Franz Abramowitz (“Time to remember”, book one) is really unforgettable. Her relatively short story is [more]

The sense of truth

13.11.2017 Alexander Kuch 0

I like to quote a excerpt from the story by Leo Tolstoy’s “Sebastopol in May,” namely the words: “… the character of my story whom I love with all my heart, whom I tried to reproduce in all his beauty [more]


29.04.2016 Alexander Kuch 0

Would you like your loved ones and friends to know more about you and your family? Then TIME TO REMEMBER is surely for you. About a hundred of Russian-speakers from many countries  have already shared their memoirs in four  issues [more]

Erinnerungen, Verlag, Eigenes Buch

Zeit sich zu erinnern

07.01.2016 Alexander Kuch 0

Über sich, über die Familie, über die Wurzeln Der Verlag «Vermächtnis» bringt schon im laufe einiger Jahre den Almanach «Zeit sich zu erinnern» raus. Drei Bücher sind in die Welt getreten, das vierte ist in Bearbeitung. Auf den Seiten des [more]